I’ve always loved music. I’ve been playing guitar for 20 odd years. I’m still shit at it, but I love it none the less. Now that my kids are showing an interest in music as well, it has somewhat rekindled my passion. I attempt recordings every now and again. These can be found on soundcloud. There’s an examples below, it’s very much amateur-hour hobby shit but it’s still fun.

To be honest, I get very little time to dedicate to trying to get a good recording. Majority of the time the kids want to be involved and that’s good too in it’s own way. As we’ve been locked down we’ve been able to have a bit of fun doing some videos together.

I will try and do some music focussed blog entries in the future but I suffer very much from impostor syndrome when I see all the amazingly talented musicians out there in YouTube land so I’m really not sure what way to go with these blog posts.