I work as a software engineer and I like my job. I get to learn a lot and work on projects that are at a large enough scale to be really interesting. I also get to mentor junior engineers, and that’s something I really enjoy doing. I’d be nowhere near where I am now professionally if not for all the incredibly smart people that I’ve worked with throughout the years. Although, my job is satisfying, I still feel like the skills have a fairly narrow scope. If there were some apocalyptic event to happen tomorrow and we were all left trying to eek out an existence in the zombie infested wastelands, experience in profiling Java runtimes would probably be fuck all use.

Zombie Apocalypse

To alleviate my above, completely rational fears, I’ve been doing some wood work projects. Some people buy Feraris for their mid-life crises… I bought a shed! Most of the projects I’ve taken on have been pretty small. I did get my first commission though. And yes… building a set of shelves for your Ma’s kitchen does count as a commission. So I continue to work on little projects with a three pronged goal.

  1. Learn a transferable skill to pass on to the kids
  2. Be able to build useful stuff for the house
  3. Have a hobby which doesn’t involve sitting on the couch

My Shed

I hope to blog about some of the more interesting projects in the future but this page will probably remain a bit of a brain dump for the time being. I’ve included a photo roll of some of the projects I’ve worked on. And hopefully I can expand on some of the bigger ones with dedicated posts in the future.